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Welcome to the September edition of Strachan Today. There is so much in this edition, only time to say that we urgently need to raise money to repair the flat roof in the hall and what better way to help raise money than to come to the Dance on 18 September. I’ll be there – will you? For more news and information, go to
Lesley Young
Panto is coming! The Deeside Musical Society are putting on Jack and the Beanstalk on 25 to 27 November in Aboyne. Led by Director Bryan McCaffrey and Choreographer Gillian Hunter, plus sets designed and made by Strachan’s own Frankie Collier, DMS would welcome anyone who would like to sing, dance, act or join the production team. Rehearsals start soon, so if you are interested, why not contact the Producer: Peter Young (850581)
War Memorial Many thanks are due to Stan England (for chuckies) and Ian Brockie (flower tubs) for their sterling efforts in improving the War Memorial. It is a fitting tribute to the fallen and we can once again look at it with pride.