Welcome to Birse and Feughside Church

Parish Profile

Birse and Feughside Parish Church, in the Presbytery of Kincardine and Deeside, has been granted permission to call a minister on a 50% basis, that is 20 hours per week. We have created a Parish Profile which can be read online, or downloaded as a printable PDFdocument here.

This is a new challenge for us as a congregation, but one we are excited about.

The congregation has been for some years very willing to help organise music, worship and pastoral care, and we realise that with a part time minister, it will be important for us to continue with the work of our church. We have every confidence that this will be enthusiastically embraced.

Our church statement ‘Walking in Pilgrimage, United in Faith’ says a great deal about the attitude in our church. We aim to be friendly, welcoming, non-judgemental, searching, and outward looking. We are not afraid of trying new  and experimental ways of doing things.


We would hope to come to a happy agreement about what and how our new minister would like to divide their time.

                                                        Additional Note

We have decided to depart from the historic and current practice, in order to permit the ordination, induction or appointment of a minister or deacon who is in a civil partnership or same-sex marriage.

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